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Building Construction &
Permitting Departments


City/county building departments and their component organizations:

  • Permitting

  • Zoning

  • Construction inspections

  • Illegal construction/stop work orders

  • Environmental services

  • Green building/sustainability

  • Code enforcement and compliance

  • Vacant/blighted property management

  • Public safety


  • Visualize the physical aspects of building activities – Provide a more relatable information foundation for the general public (safety), property owners/builders (productivity), city/county building departments (accountability and compliance), and other public sector organizations (public safety, community services, etc.) to understand, collaborate and deliver mutually beneficial outcomes

  • Augment permitting, inspection, zoning, and other documentation to include 3D models – Achieve better fidelity in permitting applications and subsequent documentation to improve visibility, accountability, and compliance in city/county-approved construction

  • Support interactions with neighbors and community members – Receive neighborhood complaints faster and with better information, and the building department can then process/verify more efficiently and effectively

  • Create an online visualizable inventory of vacant/blighted buildings – Address priority risk-prone properties first, share property details with potential buyers to accelerate transactions, etc.

  • Document stop work orders – Provide 3D-level detail and annotation within the models to the builders and property owners regarding illegal construction findings and areas to be resolved to continue building activities

  • Enhance presentations for legal/courtroom proceedings – Aid laypersons (judges, lawyers) to better comprehend site situations, and render appropriate and fact-supported decisions

  • Track and accelerate sustainability and environment progress – Capture details re: energy savings and other sustainability improvements for tax credits or other incentives/acknowledgment offered by the local (or Federal) government

  • Accelerate commercial property to home conversion projects – Enable builders to submit plans and to quickly perform government review and qualification for permitting through subsequent construction phases

  • Address personnel constraints – Our solutions help schools streamline operations, and single models can be used multiple times for different objectives (One model – multiple missions.)

  • Benefit from other (broad public sector) scenarios and use cases – link here: Representative Use Cases – Applicable for Most Public Sector Organizations


  • Common sense – Our solutions are designed for the “built world”; permit and construction agencies and organizations are centered around the physical world, where building context and site details matter

  • Risk avoidance - Operating without adequate visualization and context can result in process and procedure delays, and gaps in communication, understanding, and resolution between the various stakeholders involved in building and construction

  • Execute agency tasks with greater agility, ease, and affordability – Our solutions provide advanced, fast, easy, and cost-effective tools to scan and produce interactive 3D models, which can be created by homeowners, builders, contractors, agency staff, or even interns – within a single day. Project and progress visibility can be shared faster, for accelerated decisions and progress.

  • Improve safety – Our solutions achieve improved quality and compliance in city/county-approved construction, with visualized evidence of 3D model-supported projects

  • Enhance communication – Our solutions help to bridge consensus between agency personnel, builders, and their community to be on the same (3D) page for better understanding, interaction, and go-forward improvements 

  • Improve in-house vs. field-deployed resource productivity – Our solutions save time (and gain cost-efficiencies) in reviewing site details remotely, to better balance work that can be performed in-house vs. field-deployed resources

  • Advanced quality and completeness of builder submissions – Our solutions support information submitted by builders, stakeholders, or internal agency personnel can be visualized with better detail, information availability, and durability throughout the construction and inspection process

  • Accelerate abatement and issue remediation – Our solutions enable (some) inspections to be performed remotely to verify compliance and other issues have been resolved, shorten stop work order periods, etc.

  • Keep pace with technological change – Our solutions offer capabilities via 3D digital twins to provide greater context and help increase productivity of the existing tools, team members, and enable local jurisdictions to remain competitive attracting investment and fostering population growth


  • Include as part of existing workflows and processes – Add scanning/capture of a building or space as part of the documentation process; a hyperlink to the model can easily be added to existing forms or digital workflows

  • Combine with other data sets re: visual overlays as to where budgets are spent, where injuries have occurred, and other KPIs for staff and contractors

  • Use 3D models for space planning and site reconfiguration/optimization design

  • Interface with existing systems and workflows – 3D models can be included within case management systems, automated building department workflow, and other agency systems to improve context and documentation amongst all stakeholders


What Next?

Arcadus understands the local government building agency operations and how 3D models can help improve your department/organization. <Click here> to connect with us, join one of our recurring complimentary “Workout Sessions” or schedule a 1:1 discussion re: your situation and objectives



PO Box 157

Rockvale, TN 37153

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Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
​​Sat - Sun: Closed

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